Royal Low-Profile Accu-Length™ CNC Collet Chuck
16C Compact with A2-5 Mount


In Stock for Same Day Shipping

  • These chucks utilize spring-type collets and therefore do not provide the parallel grip functionality or wide gripping range of our Quick-Grip™ models.
  • Dead-length operation - sleeve pushes forward to compress the collet, providing precise z-axis part positioning.
  • Low-profile nose offers outstanding tool clearance.
  • Includes free custom machined connector to fit your exact lathe drawtube specifications.
  • In-stock for same-day shipping.
  • For lathes with more than 1-3/4" bar capacity, check out our Quick-Grip Collet Chucks with bar capacities up to 4" diameter!



Spindle TypeA2-5
Collet Chuck Weight (lbs)25
Collet Type16C
Low-Profile Capacity1 5⁄8″
(A) Overall Length6.50
(B) Nose Diameter3.25
(C) Nose Length1.03
(D) Body Diameter3.80
(E) Flange Diameter6.45
Max Drawbar Force (lbs)5,400
Max Clamping Force (lbs)18,300
Max RPM6,000

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