Royal High-Speed Precision Live Centers
- A true high-speed live center – up to 12,000 rpm.
- Lubricated with lightweight spindle oil instead of grease for reduced turning resistance and lower operating temperatures.
- Precision, preloaded bearing assembly provides exceptional rigidity and accuracy.
- Low-profile head and extended point combine to offer superior tool clearance.
- Exclusive Roto-Shield™ coolant slinger and upgraded seal provide outstanding bearing protection for extended operating life.
- Body and point are hardened and ground for strength and long life.
- Available in both steel and carbide-tipped point models.

Royal High-Speed Precision Live Centers (Steel-Tipped)

Royal High-Speed Precision Live Centers (Carbide-Tipped)
Maximum recommended operating limit. Operating above this speed could result in heat build-up and accelerated bearing wear.
Insist on Roto-Shield™ Technology – Only Available on Royal Live Centers